Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Senate passes new food police bill roll call vote 73-25

Just what is it with this administration, and the Democraps in Congress? Not to mention the Rhino's who also voted for this bill? This bill will bankrupt farms, and with our economy in the toilet, I have to ask, "What are
they thinking?"

They have other things to vote for besides doing the Democraps dirty work. What about jobs, Congress? Check out Michelle Malkin's article about the subject, Here.



Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pillars of a New Majority by John Boehner

Pillars of a New Majority | by Leader John Boehner (R-OH)                                                                

Decision Points


The Debt Panel has some recommendations

I don't agree with any of these recomendations. What would you cut? Instead of cutting Social Security, how about cutting out Obama's Czars? And cut the pay of the federal workers?


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Roy Barnes takes a tax deal on a house that wasn't his

I found the article on Twitter. I can't help but wonder if he would have fixed it if he hadn't been caught.


Nathan Deal Answers Ethics Questions

I still think that Deal would be a lot better than Barnes. Roy Barnes took a tax break on a house that wasn't his.

The Roots of Obama's Rage


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Are they Praying to Obama?

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this video. You decide when you watch it, and let me know what you think. Also, check out this blog post about it.

Obama needs to step up to the plate and put an end to this stuff. He should have done it when Louis Farakan called him the "Messiah". While viewing this video, it made me think of King Herod in the Bible. He gave a speech and the people said that he sounded like a God. King Herod got puffed up in pride, and then the worms ate him up, and he died. I don't want anything happening to Obama like that. I just don't agree with what he is doing to our country.



Soon, Bloggers Must Give Full Disclosure

This is like on advertising revenue and stuff like that. If they get away with this, then will censoring be next? New York Times


Monday, October 5, 2009

School kids fight back



Parody about Health Care and Big Government



Friday, October 2, 2009

Senior Citizen Speaks out on Healthcare Part 2


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