Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

McCain Blisters Obama on Earmarks

"That's insulting to the American people," McCain said on the Senate floor today as he blistered Obama for agreeing to sign the bill once it gets through the Senate.

McCain pointed out that Obama promised during their campaign to get rid of earmark spending as part of changing the culture of Washington. "So much for the promise of change," McCain sniffed, according to the Associated Press.

This spending is going way too far. Congress needs to get a grip on it. Thank you, Senator McCain for taking up for us. And why is it that the Democrats aren't saying anything about the spending?


Monday, March 2, 2009

What is the “Stimulus” bill all about? | Project World Awareness

I found this article interesting and an accurate assessment of the Stimulus. It wasn't about the economy, it was about furthering the Democrats agenda.

They want to turn the United States into a one-party country and to put the Republican Party out of business once and for all. To do this it is necessary to eliminate any meaningful political competition by stifling dissent and securing billions for their efforts and for their troops like ACORN. The massive appropriation called a stimulus - some $787 billion of our money - is really a political war chest for the Democrats. They want to change the face of American politics forever, and they want to use your taxpayer money to do it. The billions of dollars are to reward their political friends and have huge amounts of cash to dole out before the 2010 and 2012 elections.

What is the “Stimulus” bill all about? | Project World Awareness


Nation of Islam Leader Farrakhan Pushes 'Obama Energy'

ROSEMONT, Ill. — From a three-hour keynote address by Minister Louis Farrakhan to $10 T-shirts, mentions of President Barack Obama were everywhere at the Nation of Islam's annual convention in a Chicago suburb.

Despite a flap with the Nation of Islam on the campaign trail, the enthusiasm for Obama within the Chicago-based movement — which has embraced black nationalism since its founding in the 1930s — was used as a launching point for celebration, intellectual discussion and a call to action.

"There's an energy among our people that has never been seen before, never produced by any man or organization before," Farrakhan said of Obama before an estimated 14,000 followers Sunday. "But we must not allow our people to live in a false world of euphoria. We must accept our responsibility to build our communities."

This is the same man who called Obama the Messiah. Click here.



Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Obama Errs in Saying Americans Invented Automobiles

Maybe he has been around Biden too long.
WASHINGTON -- It was clear from President Obama's address to Congress on Tuesday that he's a believer in the American automobile industry, but his grasp of automotive history suggests he could use a refresher course.

Obama said his administration won't protect auto makers from their own bad practices but is committed to a retooled auto industry, saying, "I believe the nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away from it."
Click here.


Monday, February 23, 2009

#TeaParty Event Page is now updated

You will have to scroll down a bit to read the list.


Handful of Governors May Refuse Federal Unemployment Benefits

Some GOP governors say new rules on unemployment benefits would hurt their states so they aren't going to accept a portion of the $787 billion recovery and reinvestment act signed into law this week.

Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal is sticking to his position of rejecting part of the federal stimulus money for his state, saying Sunday that accepting an increase in unemployment benefits will lead to higher taxes on businesses in his state.

Mississippi Republican Gov. Haley Barbour, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin say they may follow suit. They say the money to be disbursed to the states in the $787 billion spending and tax cuts package comes with too many strings attached.

"The unemployment insurance reform, if you will, would require the state to pay people who are not willing to take a full-time job," Barbour told FOX News, saying his state is not going to expand benefits to part-time workers. "We're not going to change that. ... We're going to give up about $50 million of federal money."

"It would be like spending a dollar to get a dime," Jindal said on NBC's "Meet the Press. "The federal stimulus bill says it has to be a permanent change in state law if you take this money, so within three years, the federal money is gone, we've got now a permanent change in our laws."

Read the rest here. It will be a shame if the unemployed, who really can't find a job suffers because of the Government loopholes.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Obama and the RAT board

Transparency? What is that? Especially when you deal with a sneaky President who is a Marxist and a Socialist. I will say one thing for him, he keeps us on our toes, we have to watch everything he does.

Here is more information about the RAT Board.


Gimme, gimme, gimme: More scenes from the anti-Obama entitlement backlash

I found the link off of Twitter. Some of the signs they were carrying are hilarious. Click here.


Obama Announces $75 Billion Foreclosure Prevention Plan

Here is an excerpt:
President Obama, calling the housing meltdown a "crisis unlike we've ever known," rolled out a $75 billion plan Wednesday that his administration hopes will keep as many as 9 million families in their homes.

The announcement in Phoenix comes a day after he signed a $787 billion economic rescue package that combines spending and tax cuts aimed at saving and creating millions of jobs.

There are reports saying that another stimulus is coming our way also. I heard it on Fox News. How much more spending is our country going to be able to take?Click here.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Detroit better prepare for big changes

I would say that the auto industry will loose control of their own restructuring plan. If they get another bailout, that is a distinct possibility. Click here.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Obama Administration no longer issuing denials about the Fairness Doctrine

Just like in George Orwell's book, "Animal Farm", and "1984" is what Obama's Presidency is turning into. I hate to see this happening. If the left wins on this, what will they do next? Click here.



Obama's revenge

This is a must read article that makes a lot of sense. Especially if you aren't under Obama's spell. Click here.

I just wish that America would wake up before we loose our Country. I still can't think of a reason that the SCOTUS will not make him prove his citizenship or show his birth certificate, his colledge transcripts, etc.

What makes him any different from anyone else? I still think that he has ties to Hamas, and no-telling who else. I still think that Acorn, Hamas, George Soros, helped him get elected. Plus, the American people fell for his Rhetoric, through the help of the msm.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Good Morning Senators-Collins-Snow-Spector

Jim Geraghty is quite blunt about the consequences of Sen. Kennedy’s being absent for today’s vote, and Sen. Gregg’s return to the Senate: “Guess what, Sens. Snowe, Specter, and Collins? You are providing the decisive votes.”

And Senator Reid is worried about this. He’s trying to scare up another GOP Senator to give cover to these three - something that even his own people are admitting to be a low probability scenario. Roll Call (no link, sorry) is also reporting that he’s trying to pair Kennedy’s yes vote to a Republican’s no (this requires the approval of the Republican in question, by the way) in order to make it a 61/38 vote on a technicality. Just in case this isn’t clear by now: this is contraindicated for any Republican Senator.
Click here.


God save National Public Radio

If they win with the "Fairness Doctrine," what will they do next? Will they go for the Christians on the Radio? Click here.


Reid to proceed with 60 votes?

I am hoping that someone will stop them from getting enough votes for this monstracity to pass. Click here.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fairness Doctrine #TCOT

I found this article on Red State blog. Fairness Doctrine on steroids is on the way. Click here.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obama the next Jimmy Carter?

I noticed during his news conference the other night that he said eventually the money that we are getting from other countries goes so far. Then they say that the party is over. He said that the party is over. I took that to mean that China or any other country is not going to loan our government any money. That means they will have to print it, which will hurt our dollar in the long run, and cause major inflation in our economy.

Newt Ginrich is right, Obama is more like Jimmy Carter than Ronald Reagan. Click here.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Biden: 30 percent chance we'll get it wrong

I bet the odds are more than that. Biden is the gift that keeps on giving. They ought to let him give more speeches. You can always figure out stuff when he does. The reason that they were wanting to get bi-partsian support of the stimulus was so they wouldn't take the blame politically. click here.

With only 3 of the Republicans voting for it, now the Democrats will have the full blame when this thing fails. I am counting on it to help out the Republicans on the next election. I bet Barack Obama isn't pleased.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hypocrites on paying taxes

I read an article not long ago about how when the left is in power, they feel that this is their country. They can see one of our planes overhead, and they say, "this is our plane". When the Dems are in power, they suddenly become patriotic.

Think about this for a second. If that is the case, then they don't feel that this is their country, and therefore, they don't have to pay their taxes when the Republicans are in charge? Is that the reason the Dems, and so many of them here lately, are having trouble with taxes?

I just think that they wanted to see President Bush fail. [snark] They didn't agree with his policies so they cheated on their taxes. Well, anyway, this is a good article from the national review with lots of good points.

Click here.


McCain challenges Obama on stimulus

Obama sends out an email to his supporters to back him up on the stimulus, and McCain sends out an email to his supporters to get it blocked. Click here.

I guess that someone needs to inform Obama that the honey moon is over. He also needs to quit letting Nancy Pelosi and friends try to run the country. Isn't that his job?

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