Showing posts with label Info. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Info. Show all posts

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Please email your Senator

Please email your Senator or Congressman to let them know that we would like 72 hours to read the Stimulus before it is signed. Here is a link to contact them. Click here.

You can also let Chuck Schumer know that you care about government spending.


Fairness Doctrine #TCOT

I found this article on Red State blog. Fairness Doctrine on steroids is on the way. Click here.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

As if we don't have enough to worry about.......

Stop Congress from restricting your property rights! I am so sick of these hippie tree huggers taking over this country. They make me sick.
Click here.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Census-it is more important than you think #TCOT

Fox News is the only news organization reporting this story. I am glad that we have a GOP lawmaker that is doing their job. I never realized how important the census was until this story came out. Click here.

A Republican lawmaker is calling for an investigation of President Obama's plan to move the U.S. census into the White House.

Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, is sending a letter to committee leaders requesting a hearing.

"I'm deeply concerned" about "the White House controlling the day-to-day operations of the Census Bureau," Blackburn told



Friday, February 6, 2009

Secret list of email and phone numbers for Senators and staff

Tell them to vote no on the stimulus, or as I call it, the Spendulus Bill. Click here.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

McCain challenges Obama on stimulus

Obama sends out an email to his supporters to back him up on the stimulus, and McCain sends out an email to his supporters to get it blocked. Click here.

I guess that someone needs to inform Obama that the honey moon is over. He also needs to quit letting Nancy Pelosi and friends try to run the country. Isn't that his job?


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Letter from Kentucky

Michelle Malkin received a message from someone in Kentucky. Click here.


New poll is on the right of this blog

Our last poll had the question: Do you think that "in God we trust" should be taken off of our money? Here were the results:

1 person out of 10 said yes. The rest of the voters voted no. I found it interesting. The new poll is about the Obama administration.


Valentines Day is February 14th!

Can't think of what to get your loved one for Valentines Day? Check out this site. This site has a lot of adorable bears, etc. to choose from. Click the banner, or click here.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Obama predicts support from Republicans for the stimulus

I guess that is why he invited everyone to come to the White House to watch the game with him. It was his plan to butter everyone up. It would be something if they didn't vote for it.

Click here.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Congress sued to remove Prez from White House

Click here.
A new lawsuit is challenging Barack Obama's eligibility to be president, and this one targets Congress as a defendant for its "failure" to uphold the constitutional demand to make sure Obama qualified before approving the Electoral College vote that actually designated him as the occupant of the Oval Office.



Friday, January 30, 2009

Are you with Obama or Rush?

Check out this article, here.

The ads they are talking about are running here in Georgia also. I have seen two different ones on television today. They talk about jobs, and at the end of them, they ask everyone to tell Bob Corker to say no to tax cuts for the rich.

The Democrats are trying to drum it into the public's mind that tax cuts are only for the rich. The truth is that the tax cuts would get to the people faster than the simulus would.

I am with Rush. I want Obama's policies to fail, because they are wrong for the country.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Democrats start a petition against Rush

Click here.

On Monday, the MRC's Brent Bozell warned Americans that Obama's statement to Republican Congressional leaders last Friday advising them to stop listening to Limbaugh was "just an opening salvo from the new administration in the war to stifle conservative talk radio and could soon be followed by a concerted effort to resurrect the so-called Fairness Doctrine."

They remind me of a bunch of babies. For some reason, they want to shut the Republicans up. Is it part of the "Bush hatred syndrome?"


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Reich: "Open letter to Rush, Hannity and Michelle Malkin"

Click here.

I just now found this article, and I am amused to say the least. What is going on? The left seems very picky these days, from the President on down. Is Obama and the Democrats that insecure?

They are knit-picking Conservatives, so that they can help their cause with maybe the fairness doctrine? What do you think?


Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama: Quit listening to Rush Limbaugh.......

Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh if You Want to Get Things Done
Obama warned Republicans to quit listening to Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats, during a White House discussion on his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.
By NY Post

Click here.

That wasn't Obama's only jab at Republicans today.

While discussing the stimulus package with top lawmakers in the White House's Roosevelt Room, President Obama shot down a critic with a simple message.

"I won," he said, according to aides who were briefed on the meeting. "I will trump you on that."

The response was to the objection by Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) to the president's proposal to increase benefits for low-income workers who don't owe federal income taxes.

This is only his first week at being President. What will be next?link without the frames


Political Punch: I won

Click here for an article about the meeting with the President today.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Karl Rove: Bush was right when it mattered most

Click here.

I think that it was inexcusable for the way that President Bush was treated by people at the inauguration. "na-na-na-na-hey, hey, Goodbye". After all, he was our President, and deserved our respect for that office.

Now, the left is feeling patriotic and wants to fly the colors. They resent anyone who questions their patriotism. They are all for the country now since the Democrats are in power. It is their country now.

From the first day President Bush took office, and even now, he has had to suffer hatred from the left. The only news that reported on him in Texas was Fox News. The rest of them couldn't wait to get Obama in office, so they could get rid of President Bush.

The left needs to stop the hate. I don't know what it will take, maybe another attack? It was wrong the way that you treated our former President. He is a good man, and should have been respected.

You may later come to appreciate President Bush when Obama screws this country up beyond repair. I for one, hope that doesn't happen. When Obama closes Gitmo, and puts terrorists in prison, and the ACLU lets them out, what will you think of your Messiah then?

I am not trying to hurt anyone, I am just stating my opinion on the subject. Wake up America! Before it is too late to turn back.


More about Timothy Geitner

I found this article at Newsbusters, and found it very interesting. Click here.

Are they confirming him too soon?


The Obama Presidency-Here comes Socialism

This is a scary article by Dick Morris. Click here. Your thoughts?


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

House GOP Letter to the President

This is about the Stimulus. I, for one would like to see an unemployment extension, and then they can work on the Stimulus. We have families out here that are hurting, and I am one of them. Click here.

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