Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Schumer promises immigration reform

Schumer's comments came on the heels of President Barack Obama saying America can't continue with a "broken" immigration system.

Obama has stated that he supports comprehensive immigration reform that includes an eventual path to citizenship for millions of foreigners illegally in the United States. During his presidential campaign, he promised to make the issue a "top priority" during his first year in office.

Last week, Obama said immigration reform is necessary because the current system is "not good for American workers. It's dangerous for Mexican would-be workers who are trying to cross a dangerous border. It is putting a strain on border communities … And it keeps those undocumented workers in the shadows, which means they can be exploited at the same time as they're depressing U.S. wages."

I need to go look at that Glenn Beck video again with the gas can when he poured water on Bill Schultz. I don't understand how Obama thinks that they are depressing U.S. wages, but I do have the thought in my head that he is definately against business. Newsmax.com


Sen. Specter Hints Jack Kemp Died of GOP Agenda

First, he sells us out in the Stimulus Vote, and now he just keeps on talking.
Sen. Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania Democrat, said part of the reason he left the Republican Party last week was disillusionment with its healthcare priorities, and suggested that had the Republicans taken a more moderate track, Jack Kemp may have won his battle with cancer.

Mr. Specter continued: "If we had pursued what President Nixon declared in 1970 as the war on cancer, we would have cured many strains. I think Jack Kemp would be alive today. And that research has saved or prolonged many lives, including mine."

Mr. Kemp passed away Saturday, after fighting with cancer. Mr. Kemp ran for the White House in 1996 with Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole.
Here is the rest of the article.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Do you ever get tired of the hypocracy of the left?

I do. There seems to be a double standard. It is ok for them to call the Tea Parties racist, empty headed, etc. They never seem to look at what they do.

On MSNBC the other night, they were complaining that the GOP were doing Robo calls to Democrats. They used President Bush's comments about supporting Arlen Spector. I was flipping channels when I heard this. All they seem to do is whine about whatever and whenever we don't go along with them.

I wish that I could have come up behind them and slapped them on the back of their heads for the things they say. I don't watch NBC, MSNBC or buy GE products due to them doing business with Iran. Iran issued weapons against our troops. I don't watch CNN news anymore either. I don't like what that reporter did at the Tea Party.

What ever happened to the news media being objective? The media died a few years back. What we now have is a bunch of hateful backbiters and complainers. I found it despicable of them to talk about Miss California like they did. I saw that film clip on O'Reilly the other night.

Since when did we lose our freedom of speech? Has the Constitution been changed and they didn't tell anyone? They are trying to totally crush the Republicans and are gloating over Spector being the defector. They might not have gotten the prize they thought they did. Think about it, if he changed parties once, he may do it again.

In their opinion, we are supposed to agree with them all the time. I guess their attitude is "I won." My opinion of them gets lower every day. I think that they are hippy tree huggers who became adults, left over from the 60's. They never grew out of it. I resent the fact that they had prayer taken out of school, and they don't seem to acknowledge the Declaration of Independence.

They constantly step on my rights to have "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." This country was founded on Christian Principles. Just because of a letter from John Adams about separation of church and state, they use that to further their agenda.

I am just wondering how long we will stay stifled by them. I may be wrong, but I see the left as a cult. The President has a following that is down right scary, and cultish. Just my opinion. It is scary the way they refer to him as the Messiah, and they think that he never does any wrong. If you disagree with his policies, they try to crush you.

I get tired of the hatred of the Democrats. They hate President Bush with a vengence. The ACLU is infected. The left keeps the hatred going. They hate Wall Street, therefore the businesses in this country have to suffer.

I have always heard that the Democrats are supposed to be for the poor people, but that is proving to be untrue. They print money all the time for the Banks, Auto Industry, etc. but do nothing for the citizens but raise their taxes. They want to "Spread the Wealth around", but yet small businesses are suffering and going out of business.

People are wanting to go back to work, but the job market is scarce, to say the least. Unemployment checks only go so far, and the week of July 3, mine will run out. Nothing is being done about it either. They keep saying on television to talk to your creditors, and it doesn't do any good. They want their full payment, when they have gotten all kinds of money from our Federal Government.

The citizens are needing help now, not two years from now. They have lost touch with us little people. On this side of the fence, things look pretty bleak. They have not given any incentives for people to start new businesses to put the unemployed back to work.

Also, the scare that New York City got last week was inexcusable. That jet cost us tax-payers over 300 thousand dollars. That money could have been spent elsewhere to help the citizens of this country instead of scaring them to death like that.


Washington Post says that Spector's exit isn't the problem

But Specter isn't the only Republican who has given serious thought to leaving the party. On a recent trip, I met a businessman who had voted Republican in every presidential election since 1984, the year he turned 18. He started listening to conservative talk radio in the early 1990s, a decade he remembers as the time when he started making serious money as a car salesman. As the housing market boomed, he turned to selling real estate in southwest Florida, usually to recent immigrants. But about two years ago, after an expensive divorce, he lost his own house to foreclosure, and he started working several part-time jobs, including driving a livery cab. Then he wound up in a car accident. He was lucky that the medical expenses were covered under his auto insurance, because he didn't -- and still doesn't -- have health insurance. This gentleman has had a bad run. Yet he wasn't complaining. He did have the sense, however, that today's Republican Party is out of touch with people like him.

Here is the rest of the article.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

What happened to my sneakers?]

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Gossip blogger/pageant judge calls contestant “dumb b*tch” over gay marriage question

Check out this story. I heard it this morning on Fox and Friends. Perez Hilton went over and beyond by going on You Tube. Michelle Malkin's Blog


Log Cabin Republicans

We Heard . . .

THAT Steve Schmidt, John McCain’s chief strategist in last year’s presidential campaign, is urging conservatives to drop their opposition to same-sex marriage.

In a speech on Friday to Log Cabin Republicans, a gay rights organization, Schmidt said, “There is a sound conservative argument to be made for same-sex marriage.

“I believe conservatives, more than liberals, insist that rights come with responsibilities. No other exercise of one’s liberty comes with greater responsibilities than marriage.”

Schmidt also made a political argument for his stance, noting that McCain lost to Barack Obama by a wide margin among voters under 30, who are generally more accepting of gay couples, CNN reported.

McCain voiced opposition to same-sex marriage on the 2008 campaign trail.

THAT a new political action organization called GOProud has been formed to represent gay conservatives and their conservative allies.

The group’s chairman is Christopher Barron, former political director for Log Cabin Republicans, and its executive director is Jimmy LaSalvia, former policy director for Log Cabin Republicans.

The organization said in a release: “GOProud represents gay conservatives and their allies. GOProud is committed to a traditional conservative agenda that emphasizes limited government, individual liberty, free markets, and a confident foreign policy.

“GOProud promotes our traditional conservative agenda by influencing politics and policy at the federal level.”

This is an excerpt from an email that I recieved from Newsmax.com. Because of my Christian beliefs, I think that marriage is between one man and one woman. I believe that God was the creator of marriage in the book of Genesis. I also believe the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible. That city was destroyed because of the evil in it. They were under the judgement of God.

I look at it on the secular side, also. If there is a gay couple, and one of them is in the hospital, the other one doesn't have any rights to look after them. If the Gay Community wanted to label their union under a different name besides marriage, I would be more apt to go for it, like a civil union kind of thing.

When they want to call their union a marriage, I believe that my Christian beliefs are being infringed upon. If they would take it to a more secular level it wouldn't bother me as much. I heard a Catholic Priest that was on Fox News say that it wasn't that we hate the Gay Community. He said that they were the ones who have to learn to control it.

Maybe the Gay Community would stop hating Christians so much if they got their rights through a civil union. How do you all feel about this issue? I would really like to know.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Missing Jesus symbol at Obama speech

In a span of mere weeks Obama has in no specific order:

kissed up to communists
dismissed a NK missile test as unimportant
made european leaders cringe in embarrassment
prostrated himself to saudi royalty
White House lies about the bow
made the comment that we are arrogant and dismissive
visited a mosque
covered up the name of Christ
issued a law enforcement circular about conservatives and returning military
opened friendly diplomatic channels with sworn enemies of the US
declassified and released sensitive and politically embarrassing military intelligence
refused payback of TARP funds
declared CO2 an earth poison

I am surprised that Obama didn't kiss Chavez or bow to him after he called Obama ignorant. There is no telling what else he has done that we haven't found out about yet.



Facebook Site Protests Obama's Notre Dame Visit

Opponents say the Catholic university should not honor Obama because his support for abortion rights and embryonic stem-cell research go against church teachings.

Read the rest, here.

I admire the person doing this. Although they will be attacked, because "The One" doesn't like people to oppose him.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Confirmed: The Obama DHS hit job on conservatives is real

I found this article by Michelle Malkin. Click here.

This is scary. I wonder also if this didn't come about because of the Tea Parties. I also wonder if they let this get out so we will stop our efforts if we get scared enough. They must be really worried about the Republicans coming back into power.

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