Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Should the States be over Social Security?

I am sorry, but I watched Rick Perry on the debates on CNN the other night, and I just don't agree with him on this issue. I believe in States' rights, but not on this issue. We have states in this country that are broke. Look at California, for example.

I had a senior make a remark to me, that made me think more on this issue. With all the talk of Social Security, it is making the recipients of it feel like they shouldn't be getting it. They have paid into the program for years, and they also pay into medicare.

I don't agree with those who think they ought to raise the age of Seniors. They shouldn't have to work longer to be able to draw their benefits. For one thing, after you get past the age of 60 in this country, employers do not want you. They have laws to protect Seniors from being discriminated against, but they aren't effective. Fellow employees are often cruel to them. [It will be interesting to see what will happen when they get old. ]

I know several people who are old enough to draw their Social Security, and they work every day. They are very effective workers with good work ethics. There are Seniors who need to retire when they are old enough due to health issues. At least they are trying to stick it out, and are not drawing any disability yet.

The solution to the Social Security problem? I think that a flat tax should be added to support it. Also, workers ought to be able to pay more into Social Security if they wish to through their employers. I think that it should be set up where the money from the fund shouldn't be able to be spent by Congress or any Agency of the Federal Government.  

The Help


Monday, May 2, 2011

April 27th, 2011 Tornado in Ringgold, Ga. and Southeast

Just look at these pictures.

Here are videos of it.

Water for Elephants


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Usama Bin Laden is dead....Details are still unfolding.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Save ABC Soaps AMC and OLTL

To save ABC Soaps, AMC And OLTL, Call 1-818-460-7477. Choose 255 for AMC Or 663 For OLTL.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Labor Unions in Wisconsin

This video confirms how nasty the unions can get. The really big kicker in all this, is our President supports them! This just shows how they want civility when it is involving someone on the right, but they can do whatever they want, and the President and the media backs them up in it.

Quite frankly, I was surprised when a Democrat stood up for the GOP Senator.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

FCC Approves Plan to Regulate Internet

What will they do next if they get by with this? Click here for the article. Will they re-institute the "Fairness Doctrine" if they aren't stopped?  I just hope that when the "Lame Duck" Sessions of Congress are over, that the Republicans can pass a resolution that will stop this.



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Senate passes new food police bill roll call vote 73-25

Just what is it with this administration, and the Democraps in Congress? Not to mention the Rhino's who also voted for this bill? This bill will bankrupt farms, and with our economy in the toilet, I have to ask, "What are
they thinking?"

They have other things to vote for besides doing the Democraps dirty work. What about jobs, Congress? Check out Michelle Malkin's article about the subject, Here.



Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pillars of a New Majority by John Boehner

Pillars of a New Majority | by Leader John Boehner (R-OH)                                                                

Decision Points


The Debt Panel has some recommendations

I don't agree with any of these recomendations. What would you cut? Instead of cutting Social Security, how about cutting out Obama's Czars? And cut the pay of the federal workers?


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Roy Barnes takes a tax deal on a house that wasn't his

I found the article on Twitter. I can't help but wonder if he would have fixed it if he hadn't been caught.

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