Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Why won’t Barack Obama end the controversy?

Why won’t Barack Obama end the controversy?
I was reading an article about the birth certificate issue, and it occurred to me that Barack Obama could end a lot of this controversy by coming clean with the American Public. Why won’t he hand over the long form of his birth certificate? By him not doing so, it makes the American Public, (his constituents) think that he is hiding something. It does nothing but build up the people to not trust him with the Presidency.

Yet, he will spend hundreds of dollars to pay an attorney to keep his birth certificate from being seen. He could solve other issues about his citizenship by handing over the documents that the 13 lawsuits are asking for. Instead, he chooses to let it go through the Supreme Court and take up the honorable justice’s time, and our taxpayer money to let all this “take its course.”

I am in no way defending him on this issue. But, if you will think back to the time before the election when Reverend Wright was spewing his hatred for all the country to see, he didn’t leave his church. Not until Reverend Wright came out against him.

What did Barack Obama do? He claimed he didn’t know what Reverend Wright had been saying, although he sat in a pew at his church for 20 years. The sermons were available right there in the church.

These are just a few examples of how Barack Obama handles situations. How many times did he just vote present in the Illinois legislature? Is it indecision, or does he love to have controversy?

Back during the campaign, when the financial crisis broke, Barack Obama voted present then. John McCain actually tried to do something, and got criticized for it, while Obama did nothing.

Then the MSM, paints Barack Obama’s failure to do anything as leadership ability. Not in my opinion. It is a blatant inability on Barack Obama’s part to make decisions. That is why it took him so long to come up with any plans to help in the financial crisis. This is how he operates.

Instead of looking at a problem straight on, and dealing with it, he ignores the problem, hoping that it will go away. He uses people to get his agenda, and then he throws them under the bus. There is quite a stack of people going under the bus, eventually it will become quite crowded under there.

I hate to think what will happen if he makes it to the Presidency and we have a terrorist attack or some other sort of emergency. He will ignore it until he has to make a decision. This is the way he handles problems. He brings a lot of his problems on himself. That is not leadership and management.

I am glad that Abraham Lincoln wasn’t like that. Three states had already succeeded from the Union when he took office. He handled the problems as quickly as he could. He didn’t sit in the indecision mode until he could do it no longer.

His son Willie died while he was in the White House, and three weeks later, Lincoln commanded his Union Armies himself because he wasn’t satisfied by how the war was going. Barack Obama would not do it, if he were in that situation.

It makes me sick how the MSM are trying to compare Barack Obama to President Lincoln. Just because he read a book on how Lincoln put rivals in the cabinet. Barack Obama, you are not Abraham Lincoln, and you will never be. You aren’t Franklin Roosevelt either. Both of these former presidents had the ability to make decisions, and you have trouble with it.

I just now heard that he has spoken out that the Governor of Illinois has to go. Why didn’t he say that yesterday? This case will be extremely interesting when all the details come out.



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