Saturday, December 13, 2008

Obama Should Not Fire Patrick Fitzgerald

Obama Should Not Fire
Patrick Fitzgerald
By: Dick Morris & Eileen McGann

When Bill Clinton took office in January 1993, he was hearing the foot steps of Little Rock U.S. Attorney Charles Banks, who was hot on his heels as he probed charges of corruption that swirled around the Whitewater land deal.

President Clinton decided, in one of his first acts, to fire all 93 U.S. attorneys ? claiming he wanted a clean slate.

Many insiders suspected that the other 92 bodies were a cover for firing Banks and replacing him with Paula Casey, a Clinton ally.

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald's indictment of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich raises a similar question as President-elect Barack Obama prepares to take office: Will the new president fire Fitzgerald?

In view of the often-close relationship between Blagojevich, Obama, and other key members of the incoming administration, it would be a travesty were Fitzgerald's head to roll now:

Fitzgerald has already indicted and convicted Antoin Rezko, Obama's friend and key financial backer, who may have arranged for the then-state-senator to acquire his home and adjoining property on advantageous terms.
Obama and incoming Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel were among an intimate circle of Blagojevich advisers when Blagojevich first ran for governor in 2002. Emanuel says that he, Obama, and others "participated in a small group that met weekly when Rod was running for governor. We basically laid out the general election, Barack and I and these two."
Obama adviser and media guru David Axelrod worked for Blagojevich in his races for Congress before he ran for governor, although Axelrod (a consultant of uncommon integrity) refused to work for Blagojevich when he ran for governor.
Even though Fitzgerald had already made it clear that he was investigating the governor, following up "very serious allegations of endemic hiring fraud" and noted that he had "a number of credible witnesses," Obama vigorously backed Blagojevich for re-election in 2006.
At the Illinois State Fair that August, ABC's Jake Tapper reported that Obama told the crowd, "We've got a governor in Rod Blagojevich who has delivered consistently on behalf of the people of Illinois."

Fitzgerald has clearly signaled that his probe doesn't involve Obama, but who knows if it might lead to other Illinois Democrats in the new president's coterie of aides?

If Fitzgerald stays on the job, we can be sure the investigation will be pursued honestly and thoroughly. His Inspector Javert-like pursuit of the Valerie Plame scandal, aimed at the heart of the Bush administration, should be more than enough proof of his nonpolitical credentials.

Obama shouldn't hesitate to replace Fitzgerald once his work is done. But if he removes the Illinois U.S. attorney right off the bat, we'll be left wondering if he did so to cover something up.


Scott Wheeler is executive director of the National Republican Trust PAC (, the nation?s third-largest political action committee.


Naughty List: Crimes against Christmas

Click here.

This stuff I truly find to be despicable. The atheist sign is disrespectful to begin with, but someone even stole it. It was set up by a Nativity scene.


Update on the Natural Born Citizen issue

[UPDATE]: 11:26 AM - Dec. 12 2008 : Rumors of a decision denying Cort’s application are unequivocally false. A SCOTUS Spokesperson just told Cort Wrotnowski there has been no decision. She indicated there will be no decision until Monday. The conference is sealed, no clerks are allowed in.]

To read the rest of it, click here.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Why won’t Barack Obama end the controversy?

Why won’t Barack Obama end the controversy?
I was reading an article about the birth certificate issue, and it occurred to me that Barack Obama could end a lot of this controversy by coming clean with the American Public. Why won’t he hand over the long form of his birth certificate? By him not doing so, it makes the American Public, (his constituents) think that he is hiding something. It does nothing but build up the people to not trust him with the Presidency.

Yet, he will spend hundreds of dollars to pay an attorney to keep his birth certificate from being seen. He could solve other issues about his citizenship by handing over the documents that the 13 lawsuits are asking for. Instead, he chooses to let it go through the Supreme Court and take up the honorable justice’s time, and our taxpayer money to let all this “take its course.”

I am in no way defending him on this issue. But, if you will think back to the time before the election when Reverend Wright was spewing his hatred for all the country to see, he didn’t leave his church. Not until Reverend Wright came out against him.

What did Barack Obama do? He claimed he didn’t know what Reverend Wright had been saying, although he sat in a pew at his church for 20 years. The sermons were available right there in the church.

These are just a few examples of how Barack Obama handles situations. How many times did he just vote present in the Illinois legislature? Is it indecision, or does he love to have controversy?

Back during the campaign, when the financial crisis broke, Barack Obama voted present then. John McCain actually tried to do something, and got criticized for it, while Obama did nothing.

Then the MSM, paints Barack Obama’s failure to do anything as leadership ability. Not in my opinion. It is a blatant inability on Barack Obama’s part to make decisions. That is why it took him so long to come up with any plans to help in the financial crisis. This is how he operates.

Instead of looking at a problem straight on, and dealing with it, he ignores the problem, hoping that it will go away. He uses people to get his agenda, and then he throws them under the bus. There is quite a stack of people going under the bus, eventually it will become quite crowded under there.

I hate to think what will happen if he makes it to the Presidency and we have a terrorist attack or some other sort of emergency. He will ignore it until he has to make a decision. This is the way he handles problems. He brings a lot of his problems on himself. That is not leadership and management.

I am glad that Abraham Lincoln wasn’t like that. Three states had already succeeded from the Union when he took office. He handled the problems as quickly as he could. He didn’t sit in the indecision mode until he could do it no longer.

His son Willie died while he was in the White House, and three weeks later, Lincoln commanded his Union Armies himself because he wasn’t satisfied by how the war was going. Barack Obama would not do it, if he were in that situation.

It makes me sick how the MSM are trying to compare Barack Obama to President Lincoln. Just because he read a book on how Lincoln put rivals in the cabinet. Barack Obama, you are not Abraham Lincoln, and you will never be. You aren’t Franklin Roosevelt either. Both of these former presidents had the ability to make decisions, and you have trouble with it.

I just now heard that he has spoken out that the Governor of Illinois has to go. Why didn’t he say that yesterday? This case will be extremely interesting when all the details come out.



I appreciate you, President Bush

We haven't had a Terrorist Attack in 7 years. He has kept us safe. I am worried about our future with Barack Obama in office. I didn't do the following petition, but I found it on another blog last night, and signed it.

If you would like to tell President Bush Thank you for keeping us safe, Read the following:


I wanted to draw your attention to this important petition that I recently signed:

"Thank you President George W. Bush!"

I really think this is an important cause, and I'd like to encourage you to add your signature, too. It's free and takes less than a minute of your time.



Joe the Plumber says McCain appalled me

Click here.
Joe Wurzelbacher lashed out Tuesday at former GOP presidential nominee John McCain, the man who made Wurzelbacher famous as “Joe the Plumber.”

Wurzelbacher told conservative radio host Glenn Beck that he felt “dirty” after “being on the campaign trail and seeing some of the things that take place.”

Recalling a conversation he had with McCain about the $700 billion financial industry bailout in September, Wurzelbacher said: “When I was on the bus with him, I asked him a lot of questions about the bailout because most Americans did not want that to happen.”

“I asked him some pretty direct questions,” he continued. “Some of the answers you guys are gonna receive — they appalled me, absolutely. I was angry. In fact, I wanted to get off the bus after I talked to him.”

Asked why he didn’t leave McCain’s campaign if he was “appalled” by the candidate, Wurzelbacher said, “honestly, because the thought of Barack Obama as president scares me even more.”

While Wurzelbacher was critical of McCain during the interview, he had nothing but praise for his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. “Sarah Palin is absolutely the real deal,” he said.



The New York Times already starting defending Obama

They are already starting to defend him. Check out this article


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

They all know



Gov. Of Illinois (D) gets arrested

Click here.

Do you think that he will sing like a canary to get a better deal? Will Barack Obama be involved in it?


How has the recession affected you?

How has the recession affected you?

I lost my job back in June. I am now on unemployment because I can’t even get a job at Walmart. A big chunck of my 401 K is gone, and I am hearing that our federal government has plans to take that too. I worked hard for that money.

Even if it hasn’t affected you at all, I would like to know that also.

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