Monday, November 17, 2008

Message from The National Republican Trust PAC
From Scott Wheeler

Saxby Chambliss Needs Your Help.

He Can Stop Obama.

Democrats Pour Millions into Georgia.

Dear Supporter:

Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss is in real trouble in his Georgia run-off.

Right now he is the one vote that stands between Barack Obama getting the 60 votes in the Senate he needs to end Republican filibusters.

With 60 Democratic votes in the Senate, Obama will be able to pass radical tax increases, give 12 millions illegals citizenship, pass a sweeping abortion law and limit gun rights.

He must be stopped. Saxby Chambliss is trying to do just that.

I am writing you today to warn you that the Democrats and Barack Obama are very close to gaining total control of the U.S. Congress.

With a huge majority in the Pelosi-led House and at least 57 votes in the U.S. Senate, Obama is so close. And Senate races in Alaska and Minnesota have yet to be decided.

Several liberal Republicans may even help the Democrats in the Senate.

This is why Chambliss' vote is absolutely critical for the Republicans in the Senate to block Obama's radical plans.

But, after a terrible defeat at the national polls last election day, Republicans just don't have the money they need to fight in Georgia.

The New York Times reported that Chambliss has raised just $1 million for his run-off election, now set for Dec. 2nd.

Meanwhile the Democrats have already spent almost as much $1 million in just the past week attacking Chambliss. That's almost a million in one week!

The Times revealed that "analysts say Democrats now have a clear fund-raising advantage" over Chambliss.

We urgently need your help to defend Chambliss — Go Here Now.

The Democrats also have a huge organizational advantage.

Obama has dispatched his campaign's top "organizers" to Georgia. Thousands of liberal, pro-gay, anti-gun, pro-abortion, pro-union and other activists are swooping into Georgia as we speak.

The liberals all know the key to winning George will be getting out the vote.

Dick Morris: GOPtrust Can Stop Obama

We at the National Republican Trust PAC, also known as, have joined the fight to stop Obama in Georgia.

We have already raised $500,000 for TV ads that will begin airing this coming week in Georgia.

We have an ambitious goal: raise $5 million in just 2 weeks to stop Obama in Georgia and expose his radical agenda to its voters.

The Democratic Senate candidate Jim Martin has already promised he will be a rubber stamp for Obama once he gets into the Senate. We need to let the people of Georgia know this.

Remember, we at the National Republican Trust PAC are not only battling Martin and the Democrats, but the liberal media who worked so hard to get Obama elected.

They now want a pro-Obama Senate to push down your throat their radical legislative agenda.

But you can stop them in Georgia.

You can do it by helping the National Republican Trust PAC by donating to us — Go Here Now.

Al Gore Puts Nose into Georgia Race

Al Gore just sent out an email to Democrat activitists saying Georgia was crucial to their liberal agenda and giving Obama a "filibuster-proof" Senate.

Gore has a radical global warming agenda he and Obama want to ram through Congress.

But if Chambliss wins, they won't get their way.

You can stop Al Gore by Going Here Now.

We desperately need to plan our TV ad war on Obama and Democrat Martin.

You can help us by donating to our media war chest.

Fox News analyst Dick Morris says "The National Republican Trust PAC can make a huge difference in Georgia. It has taken the lead role in defending the country from total liberal control of the Senate."

Dick is right. We are taking the lead role.

But we need your help today. Urgently.

Please help us by Going Here Now.

The maximum donation is $5000. It sounds like a lot.

But it is small when you consider what you will save in taxes over the next five years when you stop Obama's radical tax increases in the Senate.

It is small when you consider you will stop his planned cuts in our Defense Department.

It is small when you consider Al Gore won't be able to put you and me back into the Stone Age with his global warming plans.

It is small when you consider Obama won't get anti-gun and pro-abortion laws passed.

Even a donation of $2500 or $1000 can make a huge difference in Georgia and helping our cause.

But we need to start buying ads now.

Please help us at this critical moment — Go Here Now.

Thank you and God bless our country.

Yours for America,

Scott Wheeler
Executive Director

P.S. The New York Times reports that Obama will likely avoid campaigning for Democrat Martin in Georgia. Why? Because they are afraid Georgia voters will make the connection between Democrat Martin and Obama's radical agenda. The Democrats know Georgia voters don't want Obama and Pelosi running the country. This is why our strategy is so crucial in Georgia. We want to expose Obama and Pelosi. We need your help to do it — call our Donor Hotline today at 1-866-957-1467 or Go Here Now.

Paid for by The National Republican Trust PAC.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
2100 M St. NW Suite 170-340 Washington, DC 20037-1233



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