Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Election, and some Patriotic links below it.

We are a nation that has forgotten about God. I am disappointed in the results, and disappointed in half of the American people's judgement for the first time in my life. We had a national media that didn't report the news, just their liberal views. They were in the pocket for Nobama. Reporters are supposed to be objective, and we can't trust our media in this country anymore.

Already, we have heard from Hugo Chavez, and Russia. Joe Biden said within six months. It was six hours after he won the election. Thank you America for putting our country in danger. Also, have you noticed the dive the stock market has taken? The first time in history that has happened since an election. Thanks again, Americans that voted him in.

You were just worried about your 401K, and the Bailout, weren't you? If Nobama makes the wrong decisions, we could be in some serious trouble. You didn't think about that when you voted in that Chicago Thug, did you? I might add, he didn't have the experience to be President. If he were to get a job with the FBI, he wouldn't pass the background test, yet you voted him in anyway. You knew about his associations. You did it anyway.

Now, we have a far-left President elect, and a Congress that is looney-left. The ones who voted these people in, are responsible. Nobama can do anything he wants to do now. Thanks Americans.

Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the house, a Democrat) set up the Republicans on the bailout bill. They could have passed it on their own, but they didn't want to be blamed by the voting public for it. They refused to go along with it the first time. Now, every one of the Republicans that voted for the bailout lost their seat, or their seat is in jeopardy. That is so wrong.

Now we have people in our country that are afraid. I suspect that many will begin to appreciate President Bush when he isn't in office anymore. We haven't had a terrorist attack in seven years. From day one, the media was on him. From day one, the Democraps started in on him. Mad about the election of 2000.

I was mad about the bailout and my 401K also. I didn't let it reflect my vote. Bill Clinton, a democrat did it to you, not the Republicans. Yet, the Republicans had to take the wrap for it because it was on their watch.

This election was a great victory for the Black people. That is the only good thing about it.


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