Saturday, November 1, 2008

Marty Seifert: The times call for John McCain

Marty Seifert: The times call for John McCain
By Rep. Marty Seifert

Last update: October 31, 2008 - 10:50 PM

America is at a moment of national crisis that will determine its future. Will it continue to lead the world’s economies or will it be overtaken? Will the world become safer or more dangerous? Will our military remain the strongest in the world? Will our children and grandchildren’s future be brighter than ours?

I believe our answer is a resounding “Yes!” But we must elect a president who is prepared to do more than just offer eloquent words. At a time of economic crisis and international conflict, America can’t afford to take a gamble on what the Star Tribune describes as a “flawed” candidate who would ideally “have more experience” (Editorial, Oct. 26).

That is why I strongly urge you to vote for the candidate who has fought for his country and its citizens since age 17 by continually putting his country first: John McCain.

Clearly both candidates for president possess noble intentions for this country. While we can all acknowledge Sen. Barack Obama’s ability to wax poetic on the stump and speak in undefined terms about “hope and change,” America requires more substance from one who would stand to lead her during this perilous time. As Americans, we have an obvious choice as to who will be the true agent of change in this election, and it is not the junior senator from Illinois.

At this moment in our history, it is imperative we choose someone who can lead in a bipartisan manner, not just talk about it. John McCain’s career in the Senate is a testament to this type of leadership. There are numerous examples of Sen. McCain taking on his own party and working with different members of the Senate who are Democrats.

We’ve heard Sen. Obama promise he’s only going to go after “the rich.” However, it will be a large portion of the middle class who will bear the brunt. To pay for nearly a trillion dollars in new government spending, his tax increases would impact 50 percent of small-business income and the jobs of 16 million middle-class Americans who work for those small businesses. You cannot say you are going to create more jobs, then tax job providers.

In tough economic times, higher taxes are the last thing we need. Sen. McCain believes in policies that grow the economy and create jobs. He knows the true engine of our economic recovery is our middle class, including small-business owners and the workers they employ, and that tax increases which penalize success in the name of spreading the wealth will mean layoffs and a deeper recession.

One candidate wants to spread wealth, while the other wants to spread opportunity. One will punish the successful, while the other wants to make everyone successful. One wants my vote with promises of “hope and change,” while the other has earned my vote through a career of service putting country first.

John McCain has said he will stand and fight for us. I ask that you join me and stand for him to be our next president.

Rep. Marty Seifert is the minority leader of the Minnesota House of Representatives, and a member of the McCain-Palin 2008 Minnesota Steering Committee.



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