Tuesday, January 6, 2009

You Never Know Who is Living in Your Neighborhood

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This is a true story that I wrote for another site.

I read a news story this morning about a brother and sister who had been separated for 40 years. They finally found each other. They discovered they only lived 300 yards apart.

Ordsall, Greater Manchester

It seems that you never know who could be living in your neighborhood. That could be a bad thing, or a good thing, as the people in the story I read in the Sun this morning.

A brother and sister were apart for 40 years. Their parents had died when they were children, and a family friend had taken them in. When they reached adulthood, they simply lost touch with each other. They had spent their early years in Ordsall, Greater Manchester. They probably had always wondered what ever happened to their sibling.

Little did they know, they lived 300 yards from each other. They had probably seen each other, and not even recognized who they were. Ken Whitty, 64, had moved to Reddish in 2002. His sister Yvonne is 62.

He decided to write a letter in the local paper about his lost sister. He was wanting to get back in touch with her. Soon after the letter was published, he got a phone call. The voice on the other end of the phone probably sounded familiar. She said, "Hello, this is Yvonne." The article didn't say what he said. I can just imagine that there was a surge of emotion on both sides of that phone line.

Ken did say that he couldn't believe that Yvonne lived so close to him. He said, " I couldn't believe it. I shot round to see her."

About their time apart, Ken says, "I just assumed she'd turn up, but the years rolled by."

Yvonne said, "It's so nice to see Ken again. It's overwhelming."

Ken's daughter, Nicola Dawes said: "Our family has now doubled. We are all so happy."

They probably hadn't even dreamed that they had lived so close to each other. I like good stories like that, and I just had to share it. Here is a link to one of the articles about this. Fox News.


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